HCL® SalJet® Sterile Topical Saline Solution

HCL® SalJet® Sterile Topical Saline Solution

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HCL® SalJet® Sterile Topical Saline Solution

HCL® SalJet® Sterile Topical Saline Solution

Item Number: 21094


  • Active Ingredient - Sodium Chloride 30mL (0.9% w/v)
  • Convenient - 30mL single-dose units are packaged in strips of 4. They easily slip into scrub pockets, first aid kits and ADCs. No additional equipment or special storage is required.
  • Sterile - Solutions are packaged in small units, each with a twist-off cap that cannot be replaced to ensure a sterile dose every time, without the waste of larger containers. SalJet saline is preservative and pyrogen free.
  • Easy to Use - Simply twist off the cap and squeeze. Users can adjust the stream by increasing pressure, up to 4-8 PSI. Drop-by-drop dispensing can be achieved by inverting the vial and applying gentle pressure.
  • Versatile - Perfect for moistening wound dressings and rinsing minor burns and cuts.
  • National Drug Code - NDC #64938-009-01
  • Quantity - 4 units per strip, 5 strips per package; 20 units per package
  • Note - Rx only; federal law restricts the sale of this item to physicians or licensed medical practitioners.


HCL® Exclusive Item No
Serialized No
Sterile Yes
Track Lots Yes

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