Sani-Prime™ Germicidal

Sani-Cloth® Prime® Germicidal Wipes, 6x7, Canister

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Sani-Prime™ Germicidal

Sani-Cloth® Prime® Germicidal Wipes, 6x7, Canister

Item Number: 20007


  • Active Ingredients - Ethyl Alcohol (Ethanol) 25-35%, Isopropanol 20-30%, Didecyl dimethyl ammonium chloride <1%
  • Powerful - Wipe saturated with ACCELOQUAT™ quat technology has bactericidal, fungicidal, tuberulocidal and virucidal properties and is effective against 54 microorganisms including 17 multi-drug resistant organisms (MDROs) like MRSA (5 strains) CRE (2 strains) and VRE in 1 minute.
  • Minimize Risk - Encourages effective infection control initiatives and helps limit the number of HAIs through proper use.
  • EPA Registered - #9480-12
  • Due to federal regulations, these products can only be shipped Ground within the Continental United States.
  • Quantity - 160 wipes per canister
  • Dimensions - 6"W x 6¾"H


Catalog Page Product found on page(s) 583 of the Pony Expresso catalog.
HCL® Exclusive Item No
Latex No
Restricted Shipping Method Ground
Serialized No
Size 6 x 6
Track Lots Yes

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