Health care afghanistan
Our employees sponsor and volunteer for a number of worthy causes that help those in need.

Supporting the Troops throughout the year, and especially during the holidays, we send regular care packages to Air Force, Army, Marine, Navy, and National Guard and Reserve soldiers who serve overseas. Our employees support this program with fundraisers to keep the military shelves stocked.

“Thank you for your support and prayers during my deployment to Afghanistan. The boxes you sent were like Christmas. They really helped boost our morale.”
- LCPL Gabe Shonkwiler, (Marine in Afghanistan)

“Once again, our family would like to express our deepest thanks for your support of our son and our military. When these kids are thousands of miles from home in a hostile, hot environment, tired and homesick, a package or a word of encourage from people back home is many times their saving grace. You really do make a difference for them. May God bless you all.” 
- Joan & Bryan Shonkwiler, (Parents of Marine in Afghanistan) 

Hcl afghanistan boots
Green Initiatives

Health Care Logistics launched single-stream recycling at our home office in 2009. Single-stream recycling allows employees to co-mingle recyclable items in the same bin for collection. The ability to mix rather than sort materials is a convenience that has greatly increased participation and the recyclable material recovery rate for Waste Management.

Last year, HCL was able to keep 1,396 pounds of electronic waste (ewaste) out of landfills. “Possitivity” is a Columbus-based company that prevented 119 tons of ewaste (computers, laptops, LCD monitors, printers, cell phones and fax machines) from going into landfills during 2011.

The following organizations are also promoted and supported by HCL Employees and Owner Gary Sharpe:
Alzheimer’s Association
American Cancer Society
American Red Cross
Haven House
Pickaway Agriculture & Event Center
Pickaway Co. 4-H
Pickaway Co. Livestock & Sale Committee
Pickaway Co. Schools – Athletic Boosters and Education Foundations
The Scioto Society (Tecumseh)